Ayatul Kursi Hadees in English

In the vast tapestry of the Quranic verses, there exists a gem that gleams with unparalleled brilliance and spiritual significance — Ayatul Kursi. This single verse, nestled within Surah Al-Baqarah (Chapter 2, Verse 255), serves as a radiant testament to the majesty and omnipotence of Allah, the Most High.

Ayatul Kursi is not merely a collection of words; it is a celestial bridge that connects the finite with the Infinite. Its recitation resonates with profound meaning and purpose, encompassing the essence of Islamic faith and devotion. Here, we embark on a journey to unravel the depths of this sacred verse and unearth the treasures of wisdom it conceals.

Guardian of Faith: Ayatul Kursi is regarded as a fortress for the believer. Its recitation fortifies our faith, serving as a shield against doubts and insecurities. In its majestic words, we find solace and reassurance that Allah, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of existence, is our protector.

Protection and Blessings: The Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) reveal that the recitation of Ayatul Kursi invites divine protection. It is said to create a guardian appointed by Allah, shielding us from malevolent forces and misfortunes. As we delve into these Hadith, we discover the profound implications of this divine safeguard.

Connection with Allah: Beyond its protective nature, Ayatul Kursi fosters a deep connection with the Divine. Its recitation is a testament of our acknowledgment of Allah’s sovereignty and our submission to His authority. In these verses, we find a sacred invitation to draw closer to our Creator.

Anchoring Our Faith: Ayatul Kursi anchors our faith in times of adversity and uncertainty. It reminds us that Allah’s knowledge encompasses all things, and His decree prevails over the universe. It is a source of strength and patience during life’s trials.

As we embark on this exploration of Ayatul Kursi, let us open our hearts to its profound teachings. Through the Hadith, we will unravel the layers of wisdom that envelop this luminous verse, allowing it to illuminate our path and fortify our faith.

Join us on this journey of spiritual discovery, as we gather the Hadith that illuminate the enduring significance of Ayatul Kursi in the lives of believers.

Ayatul Kursi in English, Ayatul kursi english Translation, Ayatul kursi english Transliteration
Ayatul Kursi in English, Ayatul kursi english Translation, Ayatul kursi english Transliteration

Ayatul Kursi Hadees Number: 1

Narrated ‘Abdullah bin Mas’ud:

“Allah has not created in the heavens nor in the earth what is more magnificent than Ayat Al-Kursi.” Sufyan said: “Because Ayat Al-Kursi is the Speech of Allah, and Allah’s Speech is greater than Allah’s creation of the heavens and the earth.”

Grade: Sahih (Darussalam)

Reference : Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2884

In-book reference : Book 45, Hadith 10

English translation : Vol. 5, Book 42, Hadith 2884

Ayatul Kursi Hadees Number: 2

Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) deputed me to keep Sadaqat (al-Fitr) of Ramadan. A comer came and started taking handfuls of the foodstuff (of the Sadaqa) (stealthily). I took hold of him and said, “By Allah, I will take you to Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) .” He said, “I am needy and have many dependents, and I am in great need.” I released him, and in the morning Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) asked me, “What did your prisoner do yesterday?” I said, “O Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ)! The person complained of being needy and of having many dependents, so, I pitied him and let him go.” Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “Indeed, he told you a lie and he will be coming again.” I believed that he would show up again as Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) had told me that he would return. So, I waited for him watchfully. When he (showed up and) started stealing handfuls of foodstuff, I caught hold of him again and said, “I will definitely take you to Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ). He said, “Leave me, for I am very needy and have many dependents. I promise I will not come back again.” I pitied him and let him go.

In the morning Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) asked me, “What did your prisoner do.” I replied, “O Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ)! He complained of his great need and of too many dependents, so I took pity on him and set him free.” Allah’s Apostle said, “Verily, he told you a lie and he will return.” I waited for him attentively for the third time, and when he (came and) started stealing handfuls of the foodstuff, I caught hold of him and said, “I will surely take you to Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) as it is the third time you promise not to return, yet you break your promise and come.” He said, “(Forgive me and) I will teach you some words with which Allah will benefit you.” I asked, “What are they?” He replied, “Whenever you go to bed, recite “Ayat-al-Kursi”– ‘Allahu la ilaha illa huwa-l-Haiy-ul Qaiyum’ till you finish the whole verse. (If you do so), Allah will appoint a guard for you who will stay with you and no satan will come near you till morning. ” So, I released him. In the morning, Allah’s Apostle asked, “What did your prisoner do yesterday?” I replied, “He claimed that he would teach me some words by which Allah will benefit me, so I let him go.” Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) asked, “What are they?” I replied, “He said to me, ‘Whenever you go to bed, recite Ayat-al-Kursi from the beginning to the end —- Allahu la ilaha illa huwa-lHaiy-ul-Qaiyum—-.’ He further said to me, ‘(If you do so), Allah will appoint a guard for you who will stay with you, and no satan will come near you till morning.’ (Abu Huraira or another sub-narrator) added that they (the companions) were very keen to do good deeds. The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “He really spoke the truth, although he is an absolute liar. Do you know whom you were talking to, these three nights, O Abu Huraira?” Abu Huraira said, “No.” He said, “It was Satan.”

Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 2311

In-book reference : Book 40, Hadith 11

USC-MSA web (English) reference : Vol. 3, Book 38, Hadith 505

Ayatul Kursi Hadees Number: 3

Narrated ‘Abdur-Rahman bin Abi Laila:

that Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari had a store house in which he kept dates. A ghoul would come and take from it, so he complained about that to the Prophet (ﷺ). So he said: “Go, and when you see her say: ‘In the Name of Allah, answer to the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ).'” He said: “So I caught her, and she swore that she would not return, so I released her.” He went to the Prophet (ﷺ) and he said: “What did your captive do?” He said: “She swore not to return.” He said: “She has lied, and she will come again to lie.” He said: “I caught her another time and she swore that she would not return, so I released her, and went to the Prophet (ﷺ).” He said: “What did your captive do?” He said: “She swore that she would not return.” So he said: “She lied and she will come again to lie.” So he caught her and said: “I shall not let you go until you accompany me to the Prophet (ﷺ).” She said: “I shall tell you something: If you recite Ayat Al-Kursi in your home, then no Shaitan, nor any other shall come near you.” So he went to the Prophet (ﷺ) and he said: “What did your captive do?” He said: “I informed him of what she said, and he said: ‘She told the truth and she is a continuous liar.'”

Grade: Hasan (Darussalam)

Reference : Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2880

In-book reference : Book 45, Hadith 6

English translation : Vol. 5, Book 42, Hadith 2880

Ayatul Kursi Hadees Number: 4

Narrated Abu Umamah (RA):

Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said: “Whoever recites Ayat al-Kursi at the end of every obligatory prayer, nothing but death will prevent him from entering Paradise.” [An-Nasa’i reported it, and Ibn Hibban graded it Sahih (authentic).

Book: Bulugh Al Maram

Sunnah.com reference : Book 2, Hadith 220

English translation : Book 2, Hadith 324Arabic reference : Book 2, Hadith 326

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